The Icelandic Sheepdog

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Islanninkoirat has been founded 1994.

Islanninkoirat is club for Finnish Icelandic Sheepdog owners and other interested, also foreign members are welcome.

We have 250 members in our club (2024) and about 650-700 icelandic sheepdogs in Finland. Membershipfee for 2024 is 22 €.

Club has own magazine, Hundur, which is coming out 4 times per year.

It has also some day or weekend events to club’s members during the year and official clubshow.

Next clubshow will be 2.8.2025 in Kempele. Judge:

To become a Finnish Show Champion, an Icelandic Sheepdog, owned by a person living outside Finland, must have the national certificates needed for the Show Champion title in a country accepted by FCI. In addition to the necessary certificates, the Icelandic Sheepdog must have passed an official temperament test, mentality description, and that test must be done in Finland. This is what our kennelclub has decided and for now we cannot do anything about it. But when we have the next chance to change this we will.
For a foreign owned Icelandic Sheepdog there are no demands regarding to the total result of the test or description, as long as all the steps of a test/description are carried out. An interrupted test/description is not accepted.
There is, however, one exception: the result of the dog’s reactions to shooting must be passed acceptably. Mentality descriptions do not evaluate reactions to shooting as an accepted or a failed result.

For further information, please, don’t hesitate to contact us.